FUENTE: National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Bethesda, MD, USA

P1 Canal - P51 Tank

P'aaramach - Pacific Beach United Methodist Church

Palm Beach Community College - Palmdale United Methodist Church

Palmdale Volunteer Fire Department - Palmer School

Palmer School - Palmyra Baptist Church (historical)

Palmyra Bend - Palomas Peak

Palomas Plain - Panapkagrak Mountain

Panasci Family Chapel - Panorama Village Elementary School

Panorama Village Police Department - Panther Creek

Panther Creek - Panton Community Baptist Church

Panton Coulee Reservoir - Papoose Lake

Papoose Lake - Paradise Hills

Pacific Beach - Packer Brook

Paradise Holiness Church - Paradise

Paradise - Parhams Baptist Church

Parhams Cemetery - Parish Governing Authority District 2 (inactive)

Parish Governing Authority District 2 (inactive) - Park Ave Elementary School

Park Avenue Baptist Church (historical) - Park Gables

Park Gap - Park Plaza Shopping Center

Park Plaza Shopping Center - Park Village

Park Village - Parker County Fire Marshal's Office

Parker County Museum and Trading Post - Parker Pond Dam

Parker Pond Dam - Parkertown

Packer Brook - Paddy Knob Lookout Tower

Parkertown - Parks Pond Bluff

Parks Pond Brook - Parkview School

Parkview School - Parliament Place School

Parliament Place - Parrett Crossing

Parrett Mountain Access - Parsons Creek Neck

Parsons Creek - Pasadena Elementary School

Pasadena Elementary School - Pass Creek

Pass Creek - Pasuk

Pasup Spring - Pathfinder Dike Dam

Pathfinder Elementary School - Patricks Peak

Paddy Knob Trail - Page Farm and Home Museum

Patricks Plaza Shopping Center - Patterson Chapel Church

Patterson Chapel CME - Patterson Tank

Patterson Tank - Pauahi Gulch

Pauahi Hall - Paulding Post Office

Paulding Quarry - Pavilion Square Shopping Center

Pavilion United Methodist Church - Pawtuxet Bridge

Pawtuxet Cove - Payne Gap

Payne Gap - Pa‘uwela Point Park

Page Field - Pahrump Springs

Pahrump Township (inactive) - Paintbrush Prairie Nature Preserve

Paintbrush Reservoir - Pajaro

Pajon Point - Palestine Cumberland Presbyterian Church (historical)

Palestine Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Palm Beach Community College Heliport

PB Ditch - Pbeaaye Airport

PC Ditch - PCM High School

PD and C 5 Water Well - PDQ Tank

P'eawaar - Peace Church

Pedro Dam - Pees Hollow

Peese Ranch - Pelham Bay Boat Club

Pelham Bay Branch New York Public Library - Pellaphalia Creek

Pellar Farm Airport - Pemene Creek

Pemene Falls - Pendley Chapel

Pendley Creek - Penn Cemetery

Penn Cemetery - Pennington High School

Pennington Hills Plaza - Penny Creek

Penny Creek - Pentecostal Assembly of God Tabernacle

Pentecostal Baptist Church - Pentwater Station (historical)

Peace Church - Peach Creek

Pentwater Township Cemetery - Pepper Creek

Pepper Creek - Perch Lake

Perch Lake - Perimeter McCall Business Park

Perimeter Park Center Shopping Center - Perkins

Perkins - Perry Brook

Perry Brook - Perry Mobile Homes

Perry Monument - Perrytown

Perrytown - Person Lake

Person Memorial Cemetery - Pete King Creek

Pete Kitchens Museum - Peters Canyon

Peach Creek - Peacock Lake

Peters Canyon - Petersburg Industrial Park

Petersburg Jail Farm - Peterson Mine

Peterson Mine - Petition Well

Petits Chute - Pettits Peak

Pettits - Peñasquito Canyon

Peñitas Creek - Peñuelas

Peacock Lake - Pear Tree Village Shopping Center

Pear Tree Village - Pearl

Pearl - Peaser Knob

Peaser Ridge - Pecan City

Pecan Cove - Peckerwood Lake Dam

Peckerwood Lake - Pedro Creek

Pfaff Cemetery - Pfundstein School (historical)

PG and E Recreation Site - PGE Service Center Airstrip

Phaelens Butte - Phelps Middle School

Phelps Mill Bridge - Philadelphia Industrial Park

Philadelphia Industrial Park - Phillips Bayou

Phillips Bayou - Phillips Lake

Phillips Lake - Philson School

Philson - Phoenixville Plaza Shopping Center

Phoenixville Police Station - Physiology Research Lab

Pi Beta Phi Elementary School - Pickens

Pike Lake - Pilen Pohnahtik

Pilen Pwadapwad - Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church

Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church - Pillar of Fire

Pillar of Ground Sanctified Church - Pilot Oak

Pilot Peak Historical Marker - Pinch Lake

Pinch Misery - Pine Branch

Pine Branch - Pine Creek Post Office (historical)

Pine Creek Post Office - Pine Dale Estates

Pine Dale Manor - Pine Grove Cemetery

Pine Grove Cemetery - Pine Grove Mills Gap

Pickens - Pickett Tanks

Pine Grove Mills - Pine Hill Cemetery

Pine Hill Cemetery - Pine Hills Golf Course

Pine Hills Golf Course - Pine Knot Cemetery

Pine Knot Cemetery - Pine Log Tributary Structure Number 21 Dam

Pine Log Tributary Structure Number 25 Dam - Pine Point Post Office (historical)

Pine Point Recreation Site - Pine Ridge

Pine Ridge - Pine Stand Ridge

Pine Station (historical) - Pine Valley Resort and Campgrounds

Pine Valley Resort Campground - Pinegrove Post Office (historical)

Pinegrove Primitive Baptist Church - Pinetown

Pickett Trail - Picture Tree Springs

Pinetown - Piney Branch

Piney Branch - Piney Grove Methodist Church

Piney Grove Methodist Church - Piney Woods Bay

Piney Woods Branch - Pinkney Mine

Pinkney Number 1 Mine - Pinoak Run

Pinoak School (historical) - Pio Point

Pio Reservoir - Pioneer Memorial Log Cabin Museum

Pioneer Memorial Log House Museum - Pipe Creek

Pipe Creek - Pippen Cemetery

Pippen Creek - Pisgah Heights Wesleyan Church

Pictured Cliffs Historic Site - Pier Bridge

Pisgah Heights - Pitcairne Number 1 Dam

Pitcairne Reservoir - Pittman Park Church

Pittman Pit - Pittsylvania Career and Technical Center

Pittsylvania Cemetery - Pi�ao, Chalan

Pier C - Pierce Canyon

Pierce Canyon - Pierces Corner

Pierces Corners (historical) - Pigeon Butte

Pigeon Cabin - Pigeonroost Branch

Pigeonroost Branch - Pike Lake

PJ Lake - PJs Mound

PK Creek - Pkulrengerelong Point

P+l Ranch Pond Dam - Plainfield

Pleasant Hill Access Point - Pleasant Hill Church (historical)

Pleasant Hill Church (historical) - Pleasant Hill Church

Pleasant Hill Church - Pleasant Hill School

Pleasant Hill School - Pleasant Mount Cemetery

Pleasant Mount Cemetery - Pleasant Ridge Church

Pleasant Ridge Church - Pleasant Run

Pleasant Run - Pleasant Valley Church

Pleasant Valley Church - Pleasant Valley School (historical)

Pleasant Valley School (historical) - Pleasant View Cemetery

Pleasant View Cemetery - Pleasant View School

Plainfield - Plainwell

Pleasant View School - Plesant Grove Church (historical)

Plesant Grove Church - Plum Creek Reservoir 5-A

Plum Creek Reservoir 5-B - Plum Valley

Plum Valley - Plymouth Bay Winery

Plymouth Bay - Plynn Cemetery

Plair United Methodist Church - Planting Camp

Planting Creek - Platter Baptist Church

Platter Bridge - Plaza Heights Christian Academy

Plaza Heliport - Pleasant Gap

Pleasant Garden Cemetery - Pleasant Grove Church (historical)

Pleasant Grove Church (historical) - Pleasant Grove Church

Pleasant Grove Church - Pleasant Hill Academy

PM Odd Fellows Park - PM2 Water Well

PN Grazing Association Number 1 Dam - Pneumonia Ridge Ski Trail

Po Biddy Crossroads - Pocono Union Church

Police Officer Edward Byrne Park - Poll Drain

Poll School (historical) - Polok

Pololū Beach - Pomperaug Golf Club

Pomperaug River - Pond Creek

Pond Creek - Pondera Coulee

Pondera County Courthouse - Pontoon

Pontoosuc Cemetery - Poole Bluff Sill and Pearl River Lock Three Dam

Poole Branch - Pootatuck River Reservoir

Pootatuck River - Poplar Chapel

Poplar Church - Poplar Knob

Pocono Woodland Lake Dam - Pohn Kotoro

Poplar Knob - Poplar Street Elementary School

Poplar Street Middle School - Porcupine Creek

Porcupine Creek - Port Arbour Seaplane Base (historical)

Port Armstrong - Port Nellie Juan Cannery

Port Nellie Juan - Portage Center

Portage Channel - Porter Creek

Porter Creek - Porterdale Cemetery

Porterdale Elementary School - Portland Post Office (historical)

Portland Post Office (historical) - Posey Landing (historical)

Posey Memory Gardens - Post Corral Meadows

Pohn Lahpar - Point Creek

Post Corral Tank - Postlewaite Creek

Postley Estate - Potato Hill

Potato Hill - Potomac Creek Number One Dam

Potomac Creek Number Two Dam - Potter County

Potter County - Potts Camp

Potts Canyon - Poverty Basin Well

Poverty Basin - Powderlick Branch

Powderlick School (historical) - Powell Park

Powell Park - Powerhouse Ridge

Powerhouse School - Poydras Home for the Aged

Point Creek - Point No Point Reach

Poydras Post Office (historical) - Po‘opua‘a

Point No Point - Point Sal Beach State Park

Point Sal Ridge - Poison Creek

Poison Creek - Polonia Village Park

Polonia Vista Point - Pole Creek

Pole Creek - Police Neighborhood Resource

Ppep Tec High School Alice S Paul Learning Center - Ppep Tec High School Victor Soltero Learning Center

PQ-Lafayette Hill Heliport - PQ-Lafayette Hill Heliport

PR Canyon - Prairie Creek

Preston Pond Dam - Price Canyon

Price Canyon - Prices Cemetery

Prices Chapel School (historical) - Priestly Cemetery

Priestly Elementary School - Prince Creek Guard Station

Prince Creek - Princeton Avenue Baptist Church

Princeton Avenue School - Prison Honor Camp

Prison Island - Professional Development Academy

Professional Development and Learning Support Services - Promontory Cove

Promontory Divide - Prospect Heights

Prospect Heights - Prospect State Airport

Prairie Creek - Prairie Hill Cemetery

Prospect State Park - Providence Baptist Church (historical)

Providence Baptist Church Cemetery - Providence Church

Providence Church - Province Road State Forest

Provinces Branch Library - Pryor Leadership Development Center

Pryor Memorial Presbyterian Church - Pryzbyla Plaza

Prairie Hill Church (historical) - Prairie School (historical)

Prairie School (historical) - Praise Assembly of God Church

Praise Assembly of God Church - Pratt School

Pratt School - Precious Blood Church

Precious Blood Convent - Presbyterian Church

Presbyterian Church - Presidents House

Presidents House - Preston Police Department

PS A Water Well - Psychometric College (historical)

Pt Enterprise D and W Ranch Airport - Ptomaine Springs

PU Well - Public School 19

Purvis Ober State Natural Area - Putney Hill

Putney Meadow Pond Dam - Pu‘uhinahina Lookout

Pu‘uhinahina - Puāuāomahana

Public School 190 - Public School 89

Public School 89 - Pueblo Summit

Pueblo Sur Subbarrio (inactive) - Puivlik Bluff

Puiwa Point - Pulpit Rock

Pulpit Rock - Pumpkin Run

Pumpkin Run - Punta de San Alberto

Punta de San Carlos - Purdue University North Central Campus

Purdue University Pond - Purvis Landing (historical)

PW - 2 Mine - Pwulopwul

Pyaramid Corners - PYX Mine

PZ Ranch - PZ Ranch

Pérez Morris - Pū‘ōhala Village

P A Canyon - P.P. and L. Radio Repeater Station

Nombres Geográficos Mundiales por Orden Alfabético



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